If you are Website Designer and creating a website for your client then the first step would be the LOGO Design. While designing a logo most of people think that its creation is just as simple as any other graphical element designing. A logo designs aren't as simple to create because it has to be high profile in terms of appearance and it should convey a name or message about the company.
There are some tips will help you in designing your successful logo design.
•Use Vectors:
Usage of Vectors in these days becoming so important in terms of Graphics design but every designer doesn’t consider it. No use of vectors in the main mistake done by any designer which make it static. With the use of vector you can rescale your logo every time on different modules like blog, banner, brochure etc according to their requirement without losing its picture quality.
•Don't use more than 3 fonts:
Use less number of fonts in your logo design; don’t make use of more than 3 fonts as it is not bearable. Use of multi fonts in logo gives amateurish and childish look to the viewers. In many Website Designing Company Professional designers mainly make use of one font for the company's name, one for the slogan and if required they use 1 more font to include it in any additional logo's text.
•It should be easily readable:
No matter how attractive your logo is; if your viewer can’t understand the logo and its message isn't readable than there is no use of it. So it is better to design a simple logo so that it doesn't confuse your clients and they can easily understand what it shows, and what your company is all about.
•Avoid adding pictures:
Photos are not comes under vectors and thus if we scale them it will give bad quality and it is also do not have branding value. Instead of using a picture put symbols in your logo that go along with the theme of your business.